Saturday, December 17, 2011

Will the American people ever wake up and see that republican legislation/policies are?

assisting the theft by corporations.

Their only agendas seem to be making more profits for corporations (or people as Romney calls them), wall street and hedge fund a**holes and swindling public and private workers out of benefits and pensions.

Boehner, where is the legislation for shovel ready jobs?

politicians = liars|||I agree with you. Those people above me don't know what they are saying. Yes, I would shoot my foot off if it was rotting as our government is today. And stop thinking that communism will come if not capitalism. It's them that make you think there are only two choices...You may have a job from a big corporation but that's just selfish to talk about yourself when we are talking about the whole country. People are self-centered, which is why overthrowing the government will not happen.|||The answer is "I hope yes"

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|||Revolt Now, you are right!!!!! The problem is that the american people are asleep and are in the dark about the hijacking of their country by the rich and powerful corporations. Also, you must realize what the reason is. The Repubs what to end all social programs and have the rich fat and happy; they are not trying to create jobs; you can't improve the economy by cutting spending which keep jobs. This is class warfare at its worst.|||Will liberals every wake up and realize that American liberalism is a fantasy that involves telling people what they want to hear, and taxing people more and then using those taxes to pay off interest groups that make money off of global warming, college educations, unions, NBC staff, NPR staff and all others who profit from telling you that government should invest more money so that NPR's CEO can get more money and the scientists in volcanology can have public-funding to use as his own personal fund.

There are no shovel-ready jobs. There are only the industries that are already here. Obama was the one who promised those "shovel-ready jobs" during the stimulus debate. Government can't make private companies provide jobs, other than by staying away and not taxing them.|||I have a job thanks to a big corporation, and I make money from them also in my retirement savings funds that are invested in several corporations. It's not all black and white.|||Will the American people ever wake up to see that democrats favor ILLEGAL immigration? I can't stand liberals sometimes! Why the **** would you want communism?|||The free market drives the economy. A policy of attacking corporations will serve no one. It's like shooting yourself in the foot because you don't like your shoes.|||What do you propose?

Would you like the government to own corporations? That's communism.|||there is a reason why they do not speak of 'trickle down' anymore.|||maybe

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