Monday, December 12, 2011

Why does Obama want to pass the healthcare reform legislation so quickly?

How is it going to lower our deficit when America is already broke and most people with money who will get tax increases in order to pay for this legislation are holding on to their money tightly as well? The economy is not healthy enough to sustain it, how will it help?|||People keep asking the same question? Because all the good little sheep have jumped off the cliff and the ones that are left said no more and they are waiting for him to jump! Wake up call!!! 2010 IT'S OVER FOR OBAMA!|||The Democrat party...has broken the free market system (freddie mac, fannie mae, taxation, . They've broken....the American taxpayer (they invented the inflationary tax, the income tax, and soon the eat, breath and live tax/cap and trade).

The liberals are loyalist. They cause every problem....America has. We need to disinfect ourselfs of socialism.|||He needs to get this passed before people realize he's incompetent and failing miserably.|||he wants it passed quickly because it will be hard to undo all of it,it will put us in debt and lower our standards,plus he needs it done fast before all the problems with it can be seen,just like his stimulus bill a giant money sucking waste|||To answer the basic question, he has to get as much through as he can before midterms, after that he doesn't have a chance in hell.|||That is why I didn't want to vote for Democrat, they are too expensive.

Ignoring the national debt... keep making money, lowering our values...

Forcing doctors to care for us, low income.

The Rich will throw away their health insurance and

take advantage of the Healthcare too.

Some might lie about their salary/yearly income or move away from USA.

It isn't fair for The Rich who worked so hard everyday... from rags to succeeding in life.... But they gotta give some of their money away to the people who didn't work hard at all.|||Because he has to pass everything through quickly in the name of "crisis", so as to stifle debate and implement his socialist policies.|||like Ron said, a crisis is too good to waste. they don't want people to think about things, they don't even want congress to actually read what they are passing. it is a case of 'trust me', we know best for you.

also, if this is so great, why is congress excluding themselves from mandatory participation. answer me that.鈥?/a>

a visit to canadian health care facilities鈥?/a>

it doesn't cost a thing, it is free or is it. look at the taxes they for this 'free' service, or lack of service.|||If he waits too long people will figure out the swindle and it won't happen.|||Gizmo will feed the bluedogs Dems thier red meat. The CBO said the costs will increase that means time to kill healthcare reform because the cost curve needs to go down before I would go back to working on healthcare. Blue Dogs and the Republicans just kill healthcare bill now, now, now.|||Because that is what he was elected to do. First of all, too many people do not know that Obama wants to make insurance more available to all.

Second, of course universal health-cover sucks. That is why we in Western Europe have it. We think, hmm, our healthcare system sucks. I know, lets keep it. I guess that is the same with Japan and Canada as well.

FACT - the USA spends more on healthcare PER PERSON than any other nation on the planet.

FACT - the US has higher death rates for kids aged under five than western European countries with universal health coverage.

That means that a dead American four year old would have had a better chance of life if they were born in Canada, France, Cuba, Germany, Japan etc, all of which have universal health coverage.

The more he delays, the more people die. And the sooner he brings it in, the more time there is for the nation to decide in 2012 if they want to keep it or not.|||Because traditionally, the other party wants to stall the bill and then kill it.|||Because you are never supposed to question big government, they know what is best for you, so just bend over, "help" is on it's way.|||President Obama wants to pass the health care reform legislation in order to prevent the lobbyists from preying upon our elected representatives (which they have been doing for weeks now) and derailing all efforts, and to keep the momentum going. Greedy corporate executives are not going to want to give up their unrestricted pigout fests at the money troughs granted them under Republican administrations/Republican control of House and Senate----these are very SPOILED BILLIONAIRE BRATBABIES who intend to fiercely hold on to their ill-gotten gains no matter how much harm they do to the American workers or the economy. Think of how many lobbyists must be descending upon Capital Hill if you consider that for pharmaceutical companies alone the Washington-based lobbyists outnumber our elected representatives 4.5 to 1 (Rossi, 2005). He has to strike while the iron is hot---push Democrats to get off their duffs and get this done without adding to the deficit (he has issued orders that the reform has to be "deficit neutral", so the budget committee is working hard to make sure any plan that passes is paid for). The insurance industry needs to be regulated---they have been out of control for years under Republican rule (and have contributed millions of dollars to campaign coffers to remain so), and now is the time to push this through.

One reason the U.S. is "broke" as you say is the massive outsourcing of all our good-paying full-time jobs (meaning reduced revenue here at home) and the relocation of our manufacturing companies to foreign soil in order to get cheap labor and allow billionaire fatcat CEOs to avoid paying taxes (additional revenue that would help lower our national debt). With no price controls, the cost of health care has risen at least 3x the rate of inflation and continues to increase, which as President Obama and expert economists keep saying is "not sustainable." We are the only industrialized nation to not have a national health care plan in place, and 72% of the people WANT health care reform. Now is time to, as Larry the Cable Guy would say, "Get 'er done!"|||He's a Democrat. No Democrat has ever allowed ANY piece of their own legislation to come to a vote unless they have Republicans on board to blame it on OR they can get it passed BEFORE people find out what's in it. NO exceptions

It isn't supposed to lower our deficit. The Obama administration has already said they KNOW positively that it WILL make the deficit skyrocket.

Obama said the economy is not healthy enough to withstand ANY of his plans. Why should this one be different?|||Because Obama's insistence on government run Healthcare option will eventually enable a Socialistic System that will provide the highest cost and poorest quality Healthcare available in the World today.|||So that we can have reform???? The Insurance Industry has the republicans WELL paid off - and republicans will do anything they can to make sure Americans don't get reform.

The reason is the BILLIONS of $$$DOLLARS$$$ it means to the Insurance Industry.

If you want to keep getting ripped off, vote republican.|||Oh yeah, it's really quickly. Been on the table since the 50's. If he does not press the issue it will be another 50 years gone by with nothing done.

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