Saturday, December 17, 2011

Is NY state banning clove cigarettes? Which legislator introduced the legislation and why?

I went into my local smoke shop and the owner told me that I needed to get a hold of my ploitical connections because the state was planning on banning the importation of clove cigarettes from the Djarum Corp. out of indonesia. They were told flavored cigarettes were targeting children. Clove cigarettes have no tobacco and no carcinogens are twice as expensive as tobacco. I just can't figure out who would introduce this legislation. I smoke five cloves per day to curb nausea caused by multiple medications. I know in large quantities the can cause COPD like regular cigarettes, I have never seen an advertisement for the cigaretters I smoke. I need this basic information to proceed to the legislature and to Elliot Spitzer, future governor or at least that's what it looks like of New York|||Here is the only information I could find:

amNew York - May 31, 2006

Councilman: Raise smoking age to 21

By Chuck Bennett

Young New Yorkers would have to wait until they are 21 to legally buy their first pack of cigarettes if a controversial City Council bill is signed into law.

All tobacco-related goods, including cigars, chewing tobacco, rolling papers and pipes, would be off-limits to people under 21.

The bill's sponsor, Joel Rivera of the Bronx, the Democratic majority leader and chairman of the council health committee, said raising the age would cut down on teen smoking and "improve the general health of all New Yorkers."

Rivera is expected to announce another piece of legislation today, which is World No Tobacco Day. His bill would ban all flavored cigarettes -- except menthol and clove -- in the five boroughs.|||

Join the cause!!! Posted on the media wall is links to articles and online petitions you can sign!!!

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|||Check to see if the person was contacted by somone from Philip Morris, as they support the 2004 US Senate Bill on this legislation|||I read that they are even worse than ordinary cigarettes . You might be fed erroneous info by somebody who wants to make a profit from selling them .They are appealing to kids who mistakenly think they are ok . It couldn't be further from the truth .|||With all of the problems in the world they are going after clove cigarettes. I bet New Yorkers are very happy to have the government take care of them and make their personal decisions for them.

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